Monday, 28 February 2011

How to Make Acne and Pimples Disappear

Acne Vulgaris commonly known as Acne is a very common problems generally affecting teenagers. Acne is generally referred as pimples by the lay population. People in the early and late adolescence age group are more commonly affected with acne pimples. Acne usually occurs on the skin of face and neck. They can occur on the chest, arms and even back in some cases.
When an individual attain puberty there is rise in the androgen hormones in the body. This phenomenon occurs in both the sexes. Due to this rise in androgens level there is hyperkeratinizaion (increased production of keratin) of sebaceous glands (oil and wax secreting glands). This leads to the blockage of these sebaceous glands. When these glands get blocked by wax and keratin material they are called comedones. Comedones are of two types. Black heads are open comedones (the head of pimple is open) and white heads are closed comedons (the head of pimple is closed).

There is a bacterium which commonly resides on our skin. It is called as Propionibacterium acnes. This bacterium can cause infection of these sebaceous glands if it gets impacted in the comedones.  This infection leads to formation of papules. If inflammation happens around these pimples then it can lead to formation of pus. Fitoderm is one of the best acne supplement suggested by many doctors around the world. Fitoderm is a most effective acne pimples treatment.

Acne varies in severity in different individuals. It ranges from one or two to 3rd degree acne where complete face and torso is involved. Many theories are associated with acnes. Some of these are oily foods, dust, masturbation, sex etc but are still not proven. Certain documented factors are family history, excess androgen production and increased immune response to p. acnes. There can be lot of social problems due to acnes. Since it is not just a medical but a cosmetic problem as well we must give it a lot of attention. If someone does not look good, it might create a feeling of social insecurity in their minds.

Treatment of acne is equally important. There are various treatment options available which have proven to be effective. Some herbal remedies like Fitoderm and Dermology Acne solution are effective against infection and inflammation.  Oral contraceptives given to girls can have a positive effect against acne. Even anti androgen agents are useful in acne treatment. Alfa retinoic acid (topical vitamin A) and some topical antibiotic ointments and benzoyl peroxide are some useful skin applicants to treat acne.

However one thing has to be kept in mind. Acne is a self limiting condition. And will fade away with age. So it is important to understand that all cases of acne need treatment. Certain newer treatments that are now available like herbal drug therapy. Efficacy of these treatments varies from individuals to individuals.

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